Smart Sets are a feature in BusinessMind v6.1 which allow you to create and keep dynamic sets of records based on a set of rules that you define as well as select columns for the set. This article will walk you through the features of the new list views, smart sets, and how to use them effectively.
In addition the Smart Sets feature is not just designed to save searches, it can also be used to run quick searches as per your needs.
Smart Sets are available on all list views in the application. Smart sets replace the Indy Search functions in version 6.1 as a more robust and friendly way to find and view data. In this article we will be taking a look at the feature in the Models list view. NOTE: The contains search is case sensitive while the contains (case-insensitive) is not.
Options for viewing a list of inventory, starting from the inventory home screen.
From the inventory home screen, we see a number of built in Smart Sets as starting points for viewing a list of inventory. Clicking the All Models smart set brings us to a list view of all models.
Clicking a smart set displays a list of records contained in the set.
This list view displays the records contained in the smart set as a list of rows, depicted by the red box in the image above. Records in a the view are shown in pages of 100 records per page. The navigation controls at the bottom of the list allow you to page forwards and backwards through the results.
The bottom of the view of records display the total number of records in the list, the index of the displayed records, and navigation controls for paging forward and backward through the list.
Parts of the list view
1. Built In Smart Sets
Built in smart sets are system provided smart sets that are part of the application. They can not be removed or changed.
2. User Smart Sets
User smart sets are smart sets created by the user. They can be modified or deleted at any time. There is a limit of 10 smart sets per list view per user. Smart sets can not be shared across user accounts. To create a new set, click the Add link. To view the contents of a smart set, click its label. When viewing the contents of a smart set, you can also edit the rules of the set which may change the contents (see below).
3. Sorting
The rows in the list can be sorted by selecting a column from the Sort options drop down. Sorting within the view is limited to the provided fields, sorted by one column at a time. Further more complex sorting can be done using the CSV Download feature (see below).
4. Language-aware filter field
The language aware filter field allows you to further filter down the displayed list of records using a word, words, or a phrase. The filter operates on fields such as description which contain natural language information, and, on other fields to a lesser degree if they are language constructs like names. The filter is language aware in that it attempts to understand what you are looking for. For example, if you type "yellow gold rings", it will understand what you are looking for and include records in the result which contain variations on that phrase without requiring them to be an exact match (like "ring" vs "rings") or in the same order (like "rings made of yellow gold").
The language aware filter is a complex and advanced piece of functionality that will take some time to fully comprehend. But once you understand's it nuances, you will find it to be an invaluable tool for locating information.
5. Download CSV
At any time, you can download a full copy of the information in the current smart set by clicking the download CSV button. On compatible systems, BusinessMind will attempt to immediately open the downloaded CSV file with an appropriate application for viewing such as Microsoft Excel, or Apple Numbers. However, it's ability to do this will depend on an appropriate application being available, and, the configuration of your operating system. If the auto-open-csv feature does not seem to work for you, consult with one of our engineers to see if something can be adjusted on your computer to make it functional.
When you use the the Download CSV button, you get the full data of the underlying database which will typically include many many more columns than will be appearing on screen. This is useful in many ways. For example, downloading a CSV of contacts will include up to 3 addresses, phone numbers, and emails which could not easily fit in an on screen view without confusing scrolling behavior. But as a .csv this is useful for feeding into other programs for doing mailings, etc.
The CSV download is limited to 50,000 records. Most spreadsheet applications will not open files containing more rows. If you have more than 50,000 rows in your set and need to download it as CSV, contact technical support for assistance.
Clicking the Download CSV button lets you use a spreadsheet program to view all the data in the current smart set
The Column Header Area
The column headers are fixed in BusinessMind 6.1. They present the most important columns for at a glance browsing of data which is what the list view is designed for. For full access to all columns and myriad other methods of manipulating data, use the CSV download and a spreadsheet application.
Creating & Editing Smart Sets
In action: Creating a smart set
A smart set is a set of records which satisfy a set of rules which you define for the set. For example, you may create a set which includes all models with a cost greater than $1000. When you define this rule and save the set and view it, it will always contain all models which meet that criteria. The contents of the set may change over time as records change and their compliance with the rules of the set change. You may also change the rules of a set at any time. You can also test a change to the rules of a set, just to see what it might look like, without saving those rule changes to the set.
To create a smart set, click Add next to the smart set heading. The smart set editor will be displayed.
The left side of the smart set editor
1. Add
Click Add to create a new smart set.
2. Smart set label
The label for the smart set as it will appear in the smart set list (8).
3. Rule Matching Method
Select whether the contents of the smart set must match all rules or any rules.
4. Field selector
A drop down which allows you to select a field for value comparison in order to build rules for the set.
5. Comparator
The comparison selection for establishing set rules.
6. Value field
The desired value that the field and comparator will be applied to.
7. Delete Smart set button
When editing a smart set, you may choose to delete it using this button.
The right side of the smart set editor
1. Remove Rule
Click this link to remove the rule on the given line.
2. Add Rule
Click this link to add another rule line below.
3. Test Button
Click this button to preview the results of the current rules.
4. Save Button
Click this button to save the smart set with the given rules.
The Edit Smart Set button appears when you click on a non-system smart set.
To edit an existing smart set, simply click on the smart set, then click the Edit button. The same interface will appear as used when creating the smart set. By changing the rules, you can alter the contents of a set. You can also preview the result of rule changes without saving them by using the Test Rules button.