To create a smart set that includes items in stock and for a specific tracking0 follow the below instruction,
Click on Inventory link from the BusinessMind home page.
Choose All Skus or one of the other View Sku Detail smart sets.
Click the Add link next to Smart Sets.
Modify the Smart Set Name to your needs.
Select the columns you would like displayed.
Select these options from the drop down menus. Qty, is greater than, 0
Click the add button icon.
Select these options from the additional drop down menus. Tracking 0, contains (case-insensative), type what ever you need to search tracking 0 for.
Click Test Rules to test the results.
Feel free to add even more search criteria if needed via the add button icon.
Choose Save Smart Set to save.
You can then run the smart set and even download the data if needed.