To transfer items from one geo-location to another follow the below instructions.
From the BusinessMind home page click the plus icon
Select the Record New Transfer Memo option.
Next fill in the basic information in the top section. Start with the To field. Begin typing your company name. After you have typed at least 3 letters, the auto complete dropdown will appear with matches. Keep typing to narrow the matches and select one when ready. Select the delivery address and input any other info you may require like reference and or notes.
Utilize the various tools to add the items that will be transfered.
When ready click the save icon to create your transfer.
Once saved you will be transported to the transfer memo detail view. From here you can utilize the pdf icon to generate a pdf which you can print to include with your shipment.
When your items reach there destination you can receive them into BusinessMind using the below instructions.
From the BusinessMind home page click on the Inventory link.
From the View Memos section select the Active Memos link to display all active memos. NOTE: The article linked here offers information on how to create a smart set to view only active transfers. This is handy if you process both memos and transfer memos.
Select the transfer memo to display the detail view.
Click the gear icon and choose the Restock from this Memo option.
From here you can utilize the various tools to choose the items you wish to restock at this geo-location.
If you want to restock all items simply click the Restock All button and this will adjust the restock qty for all items.
Alternatively you can utilize the restock arrows to adjust the restocked qty of any items individually.
You can also adjust the restock qty field manually if you need.
Once you have set your restock qty's simply click the save icon to complete the process which will complete the transfer process. These items will now be at this geo-location.