When searching date under sale line items it is important to note that the dates selected are at midnight. This means to find sales on a specific day you must include the 24 hour period between the dates.
From the BusinessMind home page click on the Sales link
From the Sales home page locate the View Sale & Returns Lines section and select New SmartSet Query
Name your smart set and select the columns you require.
Select Date, select is after, select the date you want to run your search for.
Click the plus button to add the next line of search.
Select Date, select is before, select the date you want to stop your search at.
Save and run your smart set.
In the example above we want to see all sales that occurred on December 24th
As we noted earlier the dates selected are for midnight. Our search is starting on December 24th at midnight and ending on December 25th at midnight which encompasses a 24 hour period for Decemeber 24th.