Selling an untracked model is as simple as selling a sku from the point of sale.
Open the point of sale and select your customer.
Click the Stock button
Search for the untracked model you want to add to the transaction.
Select it and add it to the sale.
If your untracked model has FLEX description and or prices enabled on the untracked model record then it will be possible to modify the description and or price of the untracked model directly from the point of sale.
To do this Simply click on the untracked model line item and modify the info per your needs.
The below information explains how to enable the flex pricing and description options on an untracked model.
From the BusinessMind home page click on Inventory.
Locate the View Models section and click the All Untracked Models smart set.
This will display your untracked models.
Click on an untracked model to display its details
From the untracked model details you will note Min and Max Flex price options which allow you to modify the price of the untracked model at the point of sale.. In addition you will note a Is Flex Description toggle option which will allow you to modify the description of the untracked model from the point of sale.