From the SKU list view you can search for items that are out on memo as well as a specific contact that has items on memo.
Click on Inventory link from the BusinessMind home page.
Locate the View Skus section and click the option to create a New Smart Set
Modify the Smart Set Name to your needs.
Check the Columns you would like to appear, include Cust Consigned Qty, Memo Contact, Memo Number, Memo Date and any other memo columns you would like as well as the Attachment column if you want to view the picture.
Select these options from the search drop down menus. Memo Contact, contains (case-insensative)
Type the name (or part of the name) of the contact as it appears on the memo
If needed use the test rules button to test the results
When ready click Save Smart Set to save your smart set. Then run your smart set and your all set.