To tune the model performance metric follow the below instructions.
From the BusinessMind home page click on Inventory.
If you have sufficient privileges the Inventory Metrics will load after a short delay.
Click the blue link in the metric labeled Performance
This will download and open the data directly into your default spreadsheet program for your review.
Important Info About the Performance Metric Datea:
Performance is calculated over the last 360 days.
current_qty - the current qty you have in stock.
current_avg_age_days - the avg age of the instances of the model that you have in stock as of today.
gross_margin_percent - the gross margin as a percentage of total sales of that model
turn & gmroi - Gross margin return on inventory investment (check out this link for detailed info)
avg_age_when_sold - averages out the ages of the all the items sold.
qty_sold - total qty sold
last_sold_date - the date it was last sold on