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How to remove from the various drop down and tag lists.
How to remove from the various drop down and tag lists.
Chris Minassian avatar
Written by Chris Minassian
Updated over a week ago

Before we go over how to remove from the various drop down lists its important to understand how they function. BusinessMind populates the drop down lists by all the existing values that have been utilized in the past 2 years for that specific drop down list. In addition all lists in BusinessMind are stored in cache for faster loading. This means removing from a list may take a couple hours before the changes reflect in the list.

The Model Tracking0, Tracking1, and Tracking2 lists are still controlled from the backend as per this article.

To remove from a list or tag drop down follow the below instructions.

Because BusinessMind populates the drop down lists / tag lists by all the existing values in the system the way to remove from the list is to find all instances of it being used and remove it.

One can do this by creating a smart set where you search for the value you want to remove. Open those records and remove it from use on those records by selecting another option or a blank option. Once the value is no longer on records within the past 2 years the list will no longer display that info as a drop down choice.

NOTE: The information in these lists is cached for faster loading which means your changes will display in the list once the cache is repopulated which may take an hour or so depending on the list cache timer.

Another way is to simply stop using this option, and it will eventually fall out of the list as it is no longer used. Though this can take 6 months to 2 years depending on the lists population timer.

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